Lowell Votes is a nonpartisan multilingual grassroots Coalition working to ensure our government is representative, responsive, transparent, and accountable to the people and the community it serves. Through advocacy, education, and engagement, we work to lower barriers to civic participation and voting for all residents in Lowell, particularly those who have been historically underrepresented.

What’s new?
The 2023 Election Guide is out now! This guide covers the 2023 races for Lowell City Council and School Committee. The candidate questions in this guide are generated through a community input survey to identify issues that residents care most about. It also includes more fun questions like the candidates’ favorite books and favorite community events!
Help us Get Out The Vote!
Help us knock across Lowell as we talk to residents around the City about the upcoming Election and provide them with the information they need to get out and vote! No prior experience is required, training will be provided (as well as coffee and donuts!). Sign up at: https://tinyurl.com/LowellVotesGOTV
Our 2022 in numbers
Through phone calls, events, and door-knocking, Lowell Votes engaged thousands of voters in 2022. Read our end-of-year report to learn more.